I read…more than 90% of the population…at least. And I often think, “How cool would it have been to do that?” Maybe you do too.
How awesome would it have been to be there for the American Revolution? Explore the Dark Continent with David Livingston? Hear Martin Luther King? Abraham Lincoln? Or Jesus of Nazareth, King, God and Savior? But do you know the reason those things would have been so cool? Because we know the end. The American Colonies didn’t know if they would win. But they sacrificed their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor for freedom. When John Hancock signed the Declaration so big and so bold, he was laying it all on line for his family, his kinsmen, and his country. It was not a fun adventure, it was a winner-take-all gamble. What Dr. Livingston found in the deepest parts of Africa had never been seen by a white man’s eye because they all died on the way. He went forward through faith in God into an uncharted, inhospitable land knowing he could easily join their number. It was not a game, it was a daring risk. Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln and Jesus Christ were all orators of the highest degree who changed the world at the cost of their lives. An adventure is not adventure while you are living it. It is trials. It is tragedy. It’s not exciting or glamorous. It’s uncertain and, in human perspective, often hopeless. But those are the stories we long to read and hear and be a part of. Today, you have a chance to be a part of an adventure. Seize it with the courage of Hancock and Livingston. Press on with the resolve of King and Lincoln. And set your eyes on Jesus Christ alone as the source every needful thing (2 Peter 1:3). Comments are closed.
The AuthorCome with me as we grow in fellowship with each other and our Savior to whom belongs the Amazing Escape from sin and death and the Amazing Journey into glorious life. Archives
January 2025
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