Today we celebrate that day when the Creator entered the world as part of creation. We rejoice that the King became a peasant. We remember God Almighty lay helpless, cradled in the arms of a virgin. We commemorate the day God was born. The One Who formed time and placed His world inside it – joined us within its confines.
These concepts boggle the mind and stir the heart into ceaseless worship -- because Christmas has eternal purpose. Man was made for God, to have relationship with Him forever. But we are rebels who are at war with the Creator. We have refused His loving instructions and we are estranged. All rebels against God will die. It is the only just penalty for refusing the One Who makes and gives life. Every human is born with the seal of death on his forehead as one who has rejected the Life (John 14:6). All lived under this curse. Mankind appeared unsalvageable. But what if Someone Who never did any wrong – Who had a perfect relationship with God – died in their place? Could that Perfect Sacrifice take the punishment for men? Could infinite perfection cover all finite sins? At Christmas God said, Yes. Mankind can be saved. But I’ve got to do it -- personally. And all who believe in Me will have everlasting life and will not come into judgment but will pass from death into life (John 5:24). Merry Christmas! Our annual missions fair for our Awana club is always a bit chaotic. Each club chooses their own exotic (or less exotic) country to research. This year I was struck by the idea that each continent has its own missionaries…even Antarctica.
The internet informs me that about 5,000 people live there during summer but only about 1,000 hearty souls tough out winter at the bottom of the world. That’s not a lot of people. But surely at least one knows Jesus as Savior and Lord. That person is Antarctica’s missionary – because they are the one who is there. We all live in our own “Antarcticas” – small populations where at least one person knows Jesus as King and Redeemer. That person is me or you. And we are their missionary -- because we are the ones who are here. Your “Antarctica” probably has a smaller population than the really one and is probably geographically smaller (and warmer). But it needs a missionary. It needs you. [Insert Your Name Here] is a missionary to “Antarctica”. “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” – John 4:35
Looking out over Israel, how could Jesus know the field was ripe for harvest? Looking out over America, how could He know that my field and your field are ripe for harvest? Because: God is the answer to every cry of the human heart. We do not need more money or education. We do not need a new skin color or a new sex. And we do not need human approval or acceptance. We need God come down in human form. We need Jesus. To all who are unloved – God is Love (1 John 4:16). To all who are exploited – Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11). To all who are purposeless – God is Purpose Giver (Ephesians 2:10). To all who are bitter – God is Merciful God (Deuteronomy 4:31). To all who are scared – Jesus is Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Therefore, our fields are ripe for harvest. “What is it doing?” I squinted from the car, spying on a nondescript parking lot bird. It had climbed up into the Jeep’s grill next to me until only its tail feathers stuck out. Duh! It was eating all the dead bugs off the front of the car. Yuck!
Not even two feet away were live bugs in the grass and bushes. Lazy? Yes. But smart – those dead bugs are easier to “catch” and eat – the same nutrition in a fraction of the time. This was prudent bird-brain using his time wisely. A prudent Christian does the same. Even if we live 100 years – life is short. Every decision to do (or not do) something uses or saves part of your life. Is that movie, TV series, or book worth the investment of time? What about this hobby, craft or project? More often than not, the answer is: No or not really. My bird friend was redeeming his time. I don’t know what else he was planning to do with his time (besides eat more :0). But I can think of many things I could do if I could glean more time. I think I need to go find those dead bugs! “…redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” – Ephesians 5:16 |
The AuthorCome with me as we grow in fellowship with each other and our Savior to whom belongs the Amazing Escape from sin and death and the Amazing Journey into glorious life. Archives
January 2025
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